Research Fellows

Izabella Szűcs Kószó, M.Th.
Izabella was born in 1978 in Subotica. In 2004 she graduated from medical college in Serbia. In 2016 Izabella enrolled the Szent Pál Academy theological seminary in Budapest, Hungary, where she obtained her master of theology degree cum laude in 2021. The field of her academic interest is Christian anthropology. Izabella is a full-time professor of High Medical School in Subotica, as well as the coordinator of the school’s professional curriculum. Also, Izabella is very active in church life, principally taking part in Sunday School activities as well as church music.

Dorottya Urbán, PhD
Dorottya Urbán was born in 1994 in Subotica. In 2017 she graduated from the University of Novi Sad, Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty in Subotica. In 2018 she obtained her master’s degree. In the same year she started her doctoral studies at the Eszterházy Károly University in Eger, Hungary, opting for the digital pedagogy programme. In 2021. Dorottya got her teacher licensure in computer science. Since 2019 she has been actively involved in the curriculum development group of the local e-Region organization. Dorottya is a frequent speaker on national and international conferences and an author of various publications.

Damir Sütő, PhD
Damir Sütő was born in Subotica in 1978. He was awarded the master of laws (LL.M.) degree by the Belgrade University Faculty of Law in 2016. In 2019, Damir completed the Common Law and Legal Methods Summer Programme at the University of Cambridge Law Faculty. In September 2022 he was awarded the Doctor Juris (PhD) degree by the Belgrade Union University Faculty of Law (thesis: The English Doctrine of Consideration from a Civil Lawyer’s Perspective). Dr. Sütő is an author of a number of monographies and articles. He participated as a speaker at various national and international professional and academic conferences. Damir is an associate of the French international technical cooperation agency with a status of public institution Expertise France. He speaks English and French.

Gábor Mondovics
Date and place of birth: December 22, 1972, Budapest Hungary. I started my university studies in the 1990s when I came across Slavic languages, along with their antiquities, religion, and culture, advancing my curriculum by attending a number of educational programmes in Sofia. Through scholarship grants, as well as personal fundings, I had the opportunity to get myself acquainted in more details with the South Slavic regions once occupied by the Ottoman Empire, developing a genuine affection for its inhabitants and their chronicles. Since 2007 I have been teaching History of Eastern Church on pre-graduate and post-graduate university programmes. The syllabus includes a specific overview of the history of the Balkans in terms of religion, culture and politics.

Viktor Fehér, М.А.
Viktor Fehér was born in 1993 in the town of Kikinda, Serbia. He earned his professor of Hungarian language degree from the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Philosophy. He finished his master studies of ethnography at the University of Pech (Hungary) Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, where he is currently a PhD candidate. He is a teaching assistant at the University of Novi Sad, Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty in Subotica (Serbia).
Fields of interest: ethnography, cultural anthropology, art history, ethnical and identity studies, heritage, post-Yugoslav studies. 

Csaba Szűcs, M.Th.
Csaba Szűcs was born in 1975 in Subotica. In 2021 he obtained his master of theology degree from the Szent Pál theological seminary in Budapest. Since 2004 he has been an ordained minister of Faith Church. Csaba is the Senior Pastor of the Charismatic Faith Church in the Republic of Serbia.

Research Assistants

Dávid Fic
Dávid Fic was born in 2000 in Humenné, the Republic of Slovakia. He moved to Serbia with his parents in September 2004. Dávid is a final year student of integrated academic studies, pursuing the academic title of Master professor of biology at the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences. During his studies, Dávid excelled in both curricular and extracurricular activities, as evidenced by his published works, as well as the highest average grade student awards (10.00) which he has been repeatedly presented since the beginning of his studies. Dávid is likewise quite active in church work with the youth.

Richárd Morvai-Rácz
Richárd Morvai-Rácz was born in 2001 in Bačka Topola (Bácstopolya). He completed his primary school education at the Csáki Lajos Primary School in Topolya and his secondary education at the Kosztolányi Dezső Talent Development Gymnasium in Subotica, focusing on the German language. He then began his university studies in Novi Sad at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History. His interests include the history of the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire, as well as Central and Southeastern Europe. He is particularly focused on the periods of enlightened absolutism, dualism, and imperialism. In 2024, he started working as a journalist at the Hét Nap Publishing House, and in January 2025, he began working as a historian at the Intermunicipal Institute for Monument Protection in Subotica. He has been involved in numerous national and international projects and has participated in many conferences and seminars. He is fluent in Hungarian, Serbian, English, German, and French, and he has passive knowledge of Czech, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish. Additionally, he studied Latin for six years in both high school and university.