Dávid Fic

Dávid Fic was born in 2000 in Humenné, the Republic of Slovakia. He moved to Serbia with his parents in September 2004. Dávid is a final year student of integrated academic studies, pursuing the academic title of Master professor of biology at the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences. During his studies, Dávid excelled in both curricular and extracurricular activities, as evidenced by his published works, as well as the highest average grade student awards (10.00) which he has been repeatedly presented since the beginning of his studies. Dávid is likewise quite active in church work with the youth.


  1. Омладина протестантских цркава у Војводини, 2024, In: Sütő, D. (ed.), The Protestant Worldview – Reforms and Challenges: Conference Proceedings, Károli Forum MMXXIV, Subotica: Centre for Protestant Studies Gáspár Károli, pp. [111]—128. 
  2. Extracurricular Activities of Biology Students with the Aim to Promote Biology as a Science, co-author with: Pribićević, Tijana (PhD), and Lazarević, Tihomir (PhD), 2023, In: Gómez-Chova, L, González-Martínez, C., and Lees, J. (eds.), ICERI2023 Proceedings, Valencia: IATED Academy, 579—586. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2023.0209
  3. Discovery Learning in Primari School: An Example of a Biology Lesson Scenario, co-author with: Pribićević, Tijana (PhD), and Županec, Vera (PhD), 2023, In: Gómez-Chova, L, González-Martínez, C., and Lees, J. (eds.), ICERI2023 Proceedings, Valencia: IATED Academy, pp. 587—594. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2023.0210
  4. Утицај кадмијума на карактеристике епидермиса листа пасуља (Phaseolus vulgaris), коаутор: Новаковић, Сара, 2023, научни и стручни рад студената у школској 2022/2023. години, Нови Сад: Универзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултет.