Initial Research Associates Nominated

The General Assembly of the Centre for protestant studies Gáspár Károli on its First extraordinary meeting (EGM) held on December 30, 2022, according to the provisions of Article 14(4) of the Memorandum of Association, nominated its initial college of research associates.

As stipulated by the Memorandum of Association, the Centre for protestant studies effectuates its scientific and research activities through the agency of research and external associates. The status of a research associate can be granted to any individual holding at least a postgraduate master’s degree. A nomination instrument is issued by the Centre’s General Assembly.

The initial college of research associates within the Centre for protestant studies Gáspár Károli consists of:

  1. Izabella Szűcs Kószó, master of theology;
  2. Dorottya Urbán, PhD candidate at the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger;
  3. Gábor Mondovics, lecturer at Szent Pál Academy, Budapest;
  4. Damir Sütő, PhD, doctor of laws;
  5. Csaba Szűcs, master of theology; and
  6. Viktor Fehér, PhD candidate at the University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The college of research associates simultaneously acts as the Centre’s Programme Council, an internal scholarly body whose duties incorporate outlining the curriculum, the methodology and the aims of the Centre’s scientific and research activities.