Izabella Szűcs Kószó, M.Th.

Izabella was born in 1978 in Subotica. In 2004 she graduated from medical college in Serbia. In 2016 Izabella enrolled the Szent Pál Academy theological seminary in Budapest, Hungary, where she obtained her master of theology degree cum laude in 2021. The field of her academic interest is Christian anthropology. Izabella is a full-time professor of High Medical School in Subotica, as well as the coordinator of the school’s professional curriculum. Also, Izabella is very active in church life, principally taking part in Sunday School activities as well as church music.


  1. A protestantizmus hatása az egészségügyre (társzerző: Szűcs Csaba), 2024, In: Sütő, D. (szerk.), Protestáns világnézet – változások és kihívások: előadások gyűjteménye, Károli Fórum MMXXIV, Szabadka: Károli Gáspár Protestáns Kutatóközpont, pp. [91]110.